Pregnancy causes many changes in the female body. Fluctuations in hormonal levels, weight gain, increased appetite and mood swings are only a few to mention. Even after childbirth, hormones will continue to oscillate and it will take some time until levels get back to normal. This imbalance will affect metabolic processes in the body and acidity levels. Parts of the body which are most commonly affected by acidity are the armpits, feet, mouth, lower back, ears and vaginal area.

Yeast infections during pregnancy are a very common condition, especially in the genital area. Unpleasant signs and symptoms associated with this Candida overgrowth include burning sensations, soreness, itchiness and skin irritation. In more severe cases, a white, creamy or crud-like vaginal discharge might occur. Yeast infections are usually not dangerous and do not affect the pregnancy, but they can be very irritating and stressful for the woman.

Diabetes and Yeast Infections

Correlation between Pregnancy and Yeast InfectionsHigh blood glucose levels are common for diabetics and pregnant women, which makes them prone to yeast infections. Pregnant women should always consult with their doctor if they notice symptoms which resemble yeast infections. After performing tests and examinations, the doctor will determine what causes those symptoms and which treatment should be recommended. Pregnant women should avoid certain medications because they can interfere with the development of the fetus. Doctors often prescribe non-oral medications such as anti-fungal creams for this reason.

Most yeast infection treatments last about a week or two. After getting rid of the infections, nystatin powder can be used from time to time, to prevent them from reoccurring. Besides medical treatments, there are some preventative measures that women can implement:

  • Wearing cotton underwear and breathable clothing
  • Avoiding wearing tight jeans and synthetic materials
  • Wiping from front to back
  • Proper hygiene
  • Sleeping without underwear

All these measures will certainly help treat and prevent further deteoriation. Bubble baths and feminine hygiene sprays should be avoided.

Include Yogurt in Your Diet

Correlation between Pregnancy and Yeast InfectionsA balanced diet that includes probiotics and pletny of fuits and vegetables will help keep you healthy and infection free.  Yogurt and buttermilk are two key items that should be consumed because they contain probiotics which can help reduce yeast overgrowth and keep infections at bay. Other considerations might be to keep your intake of sugary foods to a minimum in order to avoid high blood glucose levels in your body. Eating foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins to boost your immune system is also important.

If you are going to consume carbohydrates, they should derive mainly from vegetables and not from other sources that can elevate sugar levels such as white rice or white flour.  Keeping your sugar levels balanced will help reduce your chances of developing a yeast infection. Prevention is the key.

However, if you do experience any signs or symptoms of yeast infections you should contact your doctor right away and consult with him, as to the best course of treatment. A proper and accurate diagnosis is needed and is crucial for your overall health.

Do you want to find an effective Candida treatment? Check out our top rated Candida products